
Learn more about utilizing ABA strategies at home in our blog posts!

Choosing Autism Services: In-Home vs. Center-Based

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Having a child diagnosed with autism can be overwhelming. There are plenty of decisions to make after the diagnosis in order to proceed forward. One choice you’ll have to make is choosing between in-home vs. center-based autism services. Each offers different advantages, as we’ll explore in the blog below.

Center-Based Therapy

Center-based ABA therapy can help children grow and develop faster than the in-home option. Being in the house provides familiar distractions allowing your child to lose focus easily. A center helps signify to your child’s brain that it’s time for therapy. They’ll understand it’s time to learn and focus.

Centers also add more socialization for your child. This advantage is one of the most significant ones for center-based therapy. Many children with autism benefit significantly from supervised social interactions with peers. It allows your child to practice what they learn to prepare them for school and other social settings.

Transitions are tough for children and adults with autism, and center-based therapy will practice mainstream transitions more quickly than in-home therapy. Skilled therapists use fabricated environments to help your child learn and grasp skills they need for real-world transitions.

In-Home Therapy

Children with autism love to be in familiar places, and in-home therapy sessions can make your child feel more comfortable. Not much compares to being in the comfort of your home. They won’t have to learn to adapt to a new environment, and it eliminates new distractions.

In-home therapy provides a way to involve more than the autistic child in the sessions. Parents and siblings can learn how to interact better and communicate more effectively with the autistic child. It allows parents to continue supporting their child daily.

Some behaviors only pop up at home, and therapists can observe these behaviors that could otherwise get missed. A few of these problems areas could be:

  • Mealtime
  • Bathroom behavior
  • Teeth brushing
  • Getting dressed
  • Morning or bedtime routine

Convenience is another fantastic reason to choose in-home therapy. A therapist will come to your home, eliminating having to go anywhere. Everything comes to your child. The rest of the family’s schedule remains uninterrupted.

Closing Therapy Option Thoughts

When deciding between in-home vs. center-based autism services, you can’t make the wrong choice. Choose which is best for your child and schedule. It also depends on which facility you choose. South Shore Autism Center offers both options. Our children’s autism center is an excellent place to learn, but our in-home services are also wonderful. You know your child best; the best option for them is the right decision.

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